Florence Nightingale

The Nurses' Contract

An example of the agreement or contract that each new nurse had to sign.

Memorandum of Agreement
made this  first  day of  December   1854  Between Miss Nightingale on the one part and  Mrs. Hefferman  of  London  on the other part. Whereas the said Miss Nightingale Superintendent has undertaken to provide Female Nurses for the Sick and Wounded of the British Army serving in Turkey, And in carrying out this object she has agreed to employ the said  Mrs. Hefferman  in the capacity of Nurse, at a Weekly Salary varying from  10/  to  18/  according to merit, and also to provide Board, and Lodging, also to pay all expenses attendant upon the Journeying to or from the present, or any future Hospital that may be appointed for the accommodation of the Sick and Wounded of the said Army. And to pay all expenses of return to this Country, should Sickness render it necessary for the said  Mrs. Hefferman  to return, Save and except such return shall be rendered necessary by the discharge of the said  Mrs. Hefferman  for neglect of duty, immoral conduct, or intoxication, in which case the said  Mrs. Hefferman  shall forfeit all claim upon Miss Nightingale from the period of such discharge. And the said  Mrs. Hefferman  hereby agrees to devote her whole time and attention to the purposes aforesaid under the directions and to the satisfaction of the said Superintendent, the whole of whose orders she undertakes to obey, until discharged by the said Superintendent.

Rhoda Hefferman

Witness. Elisabeth Herbert

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